Winter – A Season To Endure

 Winter is a season that I endure. Every year, as Halloween passes
into November, bringing the beautiful colors of the autumn leaves, I
begin to notice the chill in the air. And I begin an internal countdown of:
December 1, Christmas, and New Year. Yes, I enjoy the lights, music
and cheery atmosphere of Christmas. I enjoy the quiet family time of
New Year. But it’s cold, and I hate being cold. The coming months of
January and February are typically the coldest months in Fukuoka.
 I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where today’s high
temperature was (-2 C). But my family moved to Southern California
when I was young. So I grew up where today’s high temperature was
(19 C). How nice! I often wore shorts and t-shirts in January and
 And so, now in Fukuoka, in January, I hunker down with my
turtlenecks, sweatshirts and jackets, and my multiple layers of blankets
and comforters. And I continue my countdown: January 31 (halfway
there!), February 28, March. March! I will have endured the cold
winter. Finally, March will bring warmth. Yea! I will be revitalized! I will
look forward to the months to come!